Events & Workshops
Happenings at Paonia Yoga & Movement Center

Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra with Morgan Herum

The winter solstice, also called hibernal solstice, the longest night of the year, marks the start of winter, but also marks the start of days getting longer. The winter solstice is a time to become still inside ourselves, just as the sun appears still in the sky, behold the magnificence of the cosmos, and reconnect to the sacred.
Yoga Nidra, similar to guided meditation, facilitates the deepest state of relaxation, allowing for deep healing of chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and trauma. Take a long pause in the midst of the holidays to rest, to dream, set intention, and to celebrate the triumph of light returning to reign over darkness.

winter solstice Yoga Nidra

December 7th | 3:00-4:30pm | $30

Stick Mobility & breathwork workshop
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